MELLEMRUM sydhavnen / south harbour
15th May – 1st June 2014
Kitt Johnson X-act’s site-specific performance festival explores the south harbour in May!
MELLEMRUM consists of 3 unique city walks, each built up around 3 site-specific performances created for a series of spots in the urban space by 9 artists or artist collectives, hand picked from the Danish performance, music and visual arts scene. Each of the artists has been given the task to choose a location in the south harbour of Copenhagen and to make a performance specifically for this place and no other. But exactly where, when, and what will remain a secret until the premiere.
The artists and the local participants
When MELLEMRUM visits the south harbour the following artists will be behind – and some of them in – the 9 performances:
Per Vers – Zlatko Buric – The Mob – Lotte Faarup – Hilde I. Sandvold – Troels Hagen Findsen – Seimi Nørregaard – Mille Maria Dalsgaard/Sydhavn Theatre – Edhem Jesenkovic
Besides the artists, a large group of local inhabitants of the south harbour participate in the performances on a voluntary basis.
3 city walks
15th – 18th May at 07:00 and 08:00
22nd – 25th May at 13:00 and 14:00
29th May – 1st June at 21:30 and 22:30
Meeting points will be given at ticket purchase.
The box office opens 1 May. From then on tickets can be reserved on ph.: +45 6130 9101 / email:
More info
For press photo, more info or interviews with Kitt Johnson, please contact Jonas Schou Hansen on ph.: +45 5093 5332 / email:
MELLEMRUMsydhavnen is supported by:
The Danish Arts Council, Københavns Kommunes Scenekunstudvalg, Kgs. Enghave Lokaludvalg, Nordea Fonden, Overretssagfører L. Zeuthens Mindelegat, Ingeniør Ernst B. Sunds Fond, Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck’s Fond, and Knud Højgaard Fonden.
Photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen
Performer: Hilde I. Sandvold