The press wrote about Aortas Partitur
Brilliant, original and stirring … a mystical exploration of our own insides … a journey towards the soul, beyond the stuff of anatomy … We can admire the consistency of the performance, its precision plus the competence of the dancers. But the secret we go home with is, perhaps, foremost an artistically communicated experience which is that the body and all of its wonderful and unbelievable activities is, after all, an experience of the spirit.
Erik Aschengreen, Berlingske Tidende, Denmark, May 2003
Kitt Johnson has realised her own unique universe, which does not apologise for itself ; a world with its own totally indisputable logic, with its extremely individual aesthetic and far beyond the more conventional renditions of the beauty of dance … Aortas Partitur is a poem of tissue, skin, sinews and muscles … brilliantly delivered. The body, seldom graceful and yet indisputably real, just as the body is.
Mikael Bo, Politiken, Denmark, May 2003
… with sound electronically adapted from the mouth and voice as an auditory piece of scenery, we see naked backs and shoulders which wriggle in a manner one didn’t think possible. Totally controlled by the dancers … who are like micro-organisms or seaweeds with quivering, shivering, sucking movements. Swaying, gently wriggling, alone or entangled … It is as beautiful as life itself in its infancy.
Henrik Lyding, Jyllandsposten, Denmark, May 2003
Photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen
Performer: Mette Aakjær