The press wrote about Palimpsest
It is life in its most simple form we are witnesses to. Beautiful and image-rich dance theatre where the smallest movement has powerful impact … an hour’s gifted, original and absolutely must-be-seen exploration of the body’s wonderful and life-confirming mysteries.
Henrik Lyding, Jyllands Posten, Denmark, February 2006
Rich with pictures …. five men fuse in sculptured body formations which resemble everything from sea anemones and jellyfish to sex organs and crinolines. It is also fascinating how Kitt Johnson sets focus on the interior via the exterior … reaching deep under the skin with five brilliant dancers on stage … With a magical touch, she transforms a theme of natural science to marvellous, humoristic and exquisite performance art.
Vibeke Wern, Berlingske Tidende, Denmark, February 2006
It is characteristic that each movement, no matter how small or delicate it is, has its own inbuilt resistance: energies which counteract each other like reversed poles of a magnet. It creates a chaste, one might well say, Johnsonian high tension area around the body … skilfully carried out, and with humour.
Janus Kodal, Politiken, Denmark, February 2006
The stage space is empty and barren, warmed only by Mogens Kjemff’s singular light design … To Sture Ericson’s surging, creaking electro-acoustic score, based on sounds which occur when skin meets skin, the five dancers momentarily fuse together into a large, inquiring, mega-sized skin amoebe with one pulse … Kitt Johnson is a master of minimal art. With a sharp eye for detail, she puts focus on smaller parts and segments of the body’s anatomy, compelling us to see them in a new way, as though they were foreign objects and not limbs we have seen and noted thousands of times. It is this distinctive idiom which keeps one spellbound throughout her hour-long exploration of the body … The choreography imprints its distinctive insignia on the bodies of the dancers, as it does on our awareness.
Aline Storm, Børsen, Denmark, February 2006
Absurd slapstick served with poker-faced and fascinating body art, sculptured with a twist … Kitt Johnson creates something really unique when she turns the body inside out, lending balance new poise, or conjures up a different and unexpected insight, extracted from the anatomy’s smallest details … absolutely a must-see experience.
Majbrit Hjelmsbo, Weekendavisen, Denmark, February 2006
Photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen
Performers left to right: João Lobo, Milos Sofrenovic, Alexandre Bourdat, Samuel Gustavsson, Otto Ramstad