Stemmer fra Les Brigittines
Instruktøren Patrick Bonté, Les Brigittines og Editions de l’Œil d’or står bag udgivelsen af Libres comme demain nous l’apprendra. En smuk, lille bog, der kredser om alt det der har inspireret til Les Brigittines’ hidtige aktiviteter – i anledning af 360-året for det smukke kapel.
I alt 17 forskellige kunstnere har bidraget med tekster omhandlende deres arbejde og deres verdenssyn – komplimenteret af bidrag fra performere, dramatikere, filosoffer og forfattere, der i samme grad som kunstnerne er – eller har været – en del af Les Brigittines.
En af disse var Kitt Johnson. Læs mere om udgivelsen her.
Og læs Kitts bidrag her:
Imagine your cerebrospinal fluid seeping down your spinal cord
Imagine it oozing from the pelvic horsetail into vast intracellular territories
Imagine it slowly making its way to the silvery streams, creeks and rivers of your body
Now let’s assume that you are a piece of nature
and as such inextricably linked to the planet
Let’s assume that you are a sub-organism of the planetary body
and as such, subject to its metabolism
Let’s assume that your fluids flow seamlessly with that of the planet
and thus in incessant flow with the planetary body
Now imagine that you travel along those connecting canals. You navigate in time and space, past and present. You travel with caution in this borderless realm of matter. You cover immeasurable distances. You map out what needs mapping. And you try to mend what needs mending.
My artistic practice is centered on the aspiration of becoming a vessel, navigating between realities, materialities and states of being – subterranean, submarine, subconscious and sometimes subversive. It is cross-disciplinary, cross-country and sometimes just cross.
I, myself, a mere passenger.