The Magical Sound Circus
Video excerpt
It is almost hypnotic to witness, and the kids clearly feel the power. Samuel Gustavsson is a physical virtuoso out of the ordinary. His body moves with complete harmony – without the least unevenness in his centrifugation.
Anne Middelboe, Børneteateravisen, 2010
Does a cookie tin play the saxophone? Can a pencil dance? And what has belly dancing and flying books got to do with each other?
Nothing is as it seems when performer/juggler Samuel Gustavsson and musician Sture Ericson invite the young audience into their Magical Sound Circus. Here, musical instruments, bodies, furniture and everyday objects magically change their function. A playful, intimate and poetic New Circus performance, which sensuously and wordlessly feeds the imagination.
The Magical Sound Circus is the first children’s performance produced by Kitt Johnson X-act. The show was created in collaboration between S. Gustavsson and S. Ericson, based on Kitt Johnson’s New Circus performance Aber Dabei from 2007.
The Magical Sound Circus premiered at the Børneteaterfestival in Randers on 5th of April 2011.
Juggler/performer Samuel Gustavsson
Composer/live musician Sture Ericson
Staging Samuel Gustavsson
and Sture Ericson
Artistic consultant Kitt Johnson
Light designer Mogens Kjempff
Duration: approx. 35 min.
Technical rider
Touring history
For full-length video please contact
Produced by Kitt Johnson X-act with the support of The Danish Arts Council and Dansk Artistforbund.

Photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen
Performers: Samuel Gustavsson and Sture Ericson