Nationalpark Thy, Vandet Sø, Denmark 2023

MELLEMRUM Thy – SUMMER, last part of 4 site- and season-specific walks in the National Park of Thy, was realized as a co-production with Limfjordsteatret and dancer/choreographer, Stisa Søgaard. This MELLEMRUM was presented – with site-specific performances along the way – 11 times.

Participating artists: Helle Thun, Stisa Søgaard and Institute of Interconnected Realities (Ida-Elisabeth Larsen & Marie-Louise Stentebjerg).

Also participating in the performance by Helle: Margrethe Ingemann.

Also participating in the performance by Stisa: Lisa Nygaard, Viola La Spina and Lise Hovesen.

Photos: Lars Horn / Baghuset (Background photo from the performance ‘Jordfald’ by Institute of Interconnected Realities (Ida-Elisabeth Larsen & Marie-Louise Stentebjerg).
Graphics: Nete Banke/IMPERIET

See the postcard for MELLEMRUM Thy here.