The Mirror
Press quotes
Video excerpt
The primal, decadent power of the figure never lets you go. It is the dark side of ourselves that we know too well.
Tobi Tobias, The Village Voice, USA, 2004
The Mirror is a performance about the human need to perceive oneself through journeys of mirrored reflections. Alone, with recognisable and non-recognisable self-image projections, and with the risk of getting lost in this self-created hall of mirrors, the human being closes its eyes for a breath’s duration – in the hope of a sign.
The performance premiered at a chapel (Assistens Kirkegårdens Kapel) in Copenhagen 17th of April 2002. A renewed touring version premiered at the Festival Bellones Brigittines in Brussels in August 2002.
The Mirror was awarded with the prestigious Danish Reumert in 2003 as Dance Performance of the Year.
Choreography/dance: Kitt Johnson
Composition/live music: Sture Ericson
Light design: Mogens Kjempff
Costume design: Charlotte Østergaard
Duration: 55 min. – no interval
Technical rider
Touring history
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Produced by Kitt Johnson X-act with the support of The Danish Arts Council and Københavns Kommune.

Photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen
Performer: Kitt Johnson