DRIFT or drive
Press quotes
Video excerpt
… the story of an entire female life’s libido contained in one body.
Majbrit Hjelmsbo, Weekendavisen, April 2011
We civilize in the morning, as the poet Kirsten Hammann wrote. Sure, but before noon the instincts have thwarted the shiny surface. Taken over from the inside, some would rightly call it. The driving forces of the instinct operate subtly satisfying its own needs. Either slowly and out of control they make changes in our inner life as continental plates in operation. Or fast as snipers who seek out and hold an object on the grain, only to kill it with a snap. Civilization under attack.
DRIFT or drive premiered at Københavns Musikteater 15th of April 2011. The solo is the first part of a two-piece exploration of the human being as a creature of instinctive drives caught between culture and biology. The second part is the mass performance FORUM HUMANUM which premiered in 2013.
DRIFT or drive has been nominated for two prestigious Danish awards: Teaterpokalen in November 2011 and the Reumert for ‘Dance Performance of the Year’ in March 2012. In 2013 DRIFT or drive won the prize for ‘Most original exploration into one of the segments of theatrical language’ at the performing arts festival INFANT in Serbia, with the following words:
In the play DRIFT or drive, dancer and choreographer Kitt Johnson, through a reduced performance and an expressive rebellion of the body, in a meticulous and stilistically refined way, has depicted the anxiety of a female libido in the chains of contemporary civilisation. Vagina Urbi et Orbi.
Choreography and dance: Kitt Johnson
Music: Sture Ericson
Light design: Mogens Kjempff
Costumes: Charlotte Østergaard
Duration: Approx. 50 min – no interval
Technical rider / lighting plan
Touring history
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Produced by Kitt Johnson X-act with the support of The Danish Arts Council, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond 1968, Augustinus Fonden, Toyota-Fonden and Københavns Kommunes Scenekunstudvalg.

Photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen
Performer: Kitt Johnson